ヒューリック(3003) – Financial Information of 1st Quarter FY2022 (January~March) 【SUMMARY】


開示日時:2022/04/27 11:30:00


決算期 売上高 営業益 経常益 EPS
2018.12 28,751,300 7,556,500 7,552,500 75.18
2019.12 35,727,200 8,835,300 8,896,400 88.93
2020.12 33,964,500 10,059,700 10,092,400 95.23



前日終値 50日平均 200日平均 実績PER 予想PER
1,108.0 1,057.16 1,170.715 10.96 10.06



決算期 フリーCF 営業CF
2018.12 -12,317,700 13,097,300
2019.12 -12,308,700 23,118,000
2020.12 -11,918,900 20,230,400



April 27, 2022Company Name: Hulic Co., Ltd.(3003JP TSE Prime)President : Takaya MAEDAContact: itou.shin@hulic.co.jpFinancial Information of 1st Quarter FY2022 (January~March) 【SUMMARY】Ⅰ.FY2022 1st Quarter performance result Summary(Billion of Japanese Yen)FY2021 1QFY2022 1QFY2020 resultFY2021 result FY2022 forecastOperating RevenueOperating IncomeOrdinary IncomeNet IncomeAnnual Dividend91.422.120.512.5‐106.929.028.418.3‐339.6100.595.663.636.0 yen447.0114.5109.569.539.0 yenN.A.123.0115.075.040.0 yen・FY2022 1Q OP result was 23.5% larger than same period of last year. Capital gains contributed most.・Both leasing and sales PL advanced Y-O-Y. We sealed several profitable sales deals and ‘sales & lease-back’ acquisition.・Tokyo office leasing market has been stabilizing. Hotel recovery will delay after 2Q. Transaction market stays strong.Ⅱ.Major KPIⅢ.FY2022 Q1NIKKEI IndexHULIC share priceMarket CapitalizationEPSBPSunrealized value of leasing asset2019/1223,6561,316 yen2020/1227,4441,133 yen2021/1228,7921,092 yen(Japanese Yen)2022/327,8211,101 yen886.9 Billion 763.5 Billion 838.6 Billion 845.5 Billion101.09 yen95.23 yen88.93 yen687.01 yen836.89 yen728.31 yen370.0 Billion 353.0 Billion 364.6 BillionN.A.838.55 yen→・Tokyo office leasing environment looks almost flat (vacancy rate & rent/sqm) from Miki-shoji data.・Although global inflation fear is imminent, Bank of Japan is sending a clear message that they will keep the current monetary policy. Therefore, low cost fund will continue and that is a tailwind for our business.・However, the fast depreciation of the Japanese yen movement will push up the import prices in the near future. We might be affected by the higher construction cost for our projects in the next phase. Under the current accounting rules, these costs will be allowed to amortize over a certain period of time.・Property price in Tokyo CBD is still up, but it downed on a USD basis. (Japanese Yen depreciated 11% in 2022.) The further depreciation of the Japanese yen will bring in more Foreign investment to Japan. ・Our office rent/sqm has been improving, mostly by the continuous portfolio reshuffling activities. (Asset Management Business).・Our vacancy was slightly higher in Tokyo. Cancellation at large scale building was noticed during 1Q.Most of these vacant space is scheduled to refill in 2Q.・Property Sales : We gave up to redevelop two properties in Tokyo central area, decided to sell instead, with good capital gains. ‘- The Retail store in Ikebukuro was sold to Nitori – Top appliance chain in Japan. ‘- The Office in Roppongi after the Mizuho Finacial Group moved out, was sold to the condo developer. ‘- We transferred partial ownership of two Mizuho’s branches to Hulic J-reit.・Property acquisition: We did several transactions including the one ‘sales & lease-back’ with Hitachi group office in Shinagawa.・Hotel operation was still underperformed in 1Q, but we see good sign of recovery. Both Hotels and traffic reservation are picking up in April. The Booster injection, ‘the 3rd shot’, started in March and Corona positive cases have been gradually slowing down recently.

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