トプコン(7732) – [Delayed]Topcon has been selected for an ESG Investment Index of FTSE Russell


開示日時:2022/04/14 13:00:00


決算期 売上高 営業益 経常益 EPS
2018.03 14,555,800 1,207,400 1,176,900 56.86
2019.03 14,868,800 1,359,700 1,287,700 61.75
2020.03 13,891,600 538,100 507,000 8.87
2021.03 13,724,700 659,400 628,300 22.59



前日終値 50日平均 200日平均 実績PER 予想PER
1,599.0 1,786.92 1,742.455 19.95 18.63



決算期 フリーCF 営業CF
2018.03 946,800 1,454,100
2019.03 877,200 1,451,100
2020.03 -38,100 794,400
2021.03 952,400 1,943,900



April 12, 2022 TOPCON CORPORATION Topcon has been selected for an ESG Investment Index of FTSE Russell – As a member of the index for Japanese companies who are advanced in ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) initiatives – TOPCON Corporation (HQ: Itabashi, Tokyo, CEO Satoshi Hirano) has been selected for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index(https://www.ftserussell.com/products/indices/blossom-japan) is an index created by global index provider FTSE Russell that reflects the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices relative to their respective sectors and is designed to be sector neutral. To promote the transition to a low-carbon economy, companies with particularly high greenhouse gas emissions are included only if their improvement efforts are positively evaluated using the TPI Management Quality Score*. address climate change. *TPI Management Quality Score: It assesses companies’ preparedness for the transition to a low carbon economy and supports efforts to Under the corporate identity of “Topcon contributes to enrich human life by solving the societal challenges within healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure,” we are striving to achieve sustainable society through realizing DX solutions such as “creating a system for eye disease screening,” “automation of farm operations,” and “automation of construction process.” We are promoting efforts to solve societal challenges in the fields of healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure all of which are essential to enrich human lives around the world. Also, we are striving to enhance our corporate value through tackling issues related to ESG and improving relevant disclosures. Please visit Sustainability Page for further details about our initiatives https://global.topcon.com/sustainability/ FTSE Russel https://www.ftserussell.com/about-us TOPCON CORPORATION Corporate Communication Div. 75-1, Hasunuma-cho, Itabashi-ku, TOKYO, 174-8580 JAPAN Phone: +81-3-3558-2568

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