しまむら(8227) – (Delayed)Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended February 20,2022(Based on Japanese GAAP)


開示日時:2022/04/05 17:20:00


決算期 売上高 営業益 経常益 EPS
2018.02 56,610,300 4,289,700 4,337,400 808.56
2019.02 54,694,400 2,545,100 2,583,600 435.23
2020.02 52,289,400 2,298,500 2,333,900 357.15
2021.02 54,356,000 3,802,700 3,845,700 711.93



前日終値 50日平均 200日平均 実績PER 予想PER
9,760.0 9,779.2 10,165.95 11.41 11.53



決算期 フリーCF 営業CF
2018.02 2,127,600 2,979,500
2019.02 498,500 1,542,800
2020.02 1,923,500 2,280,300
2021.02 3,795,400 4,623,400



Translation Notice: This document is an excerpt translation of the original Japanese document and is only for reference purposes. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the original Japanese document, the latter shall prevail. Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended February 20, 2022 (Based on Japanese GAAP) April 4, 2022Company name: SHIMAMURA Co.,Ltd. Stock exchange listing: Tokyo Stock code: 8227 URL https://www.shimamura.gr.jp/ Representative: President and Representative Director Makoto Suzuki Inquiries: Planning Section General Manager Scheduled date of ordinary general meeting of shareholders: Scheduled date to file Securities Report: Scheduled date to commence dividend payments: Preparation of supplementary material on financial results: Makoto Oota May 13, 2022 May 16, 2022 May 16, 2022 Yes TEL 048-631-2131 Holding of financial results meeting: (1) Consolidated operating results Yes (for analysts and institutional investors) (Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down)1. Consolidated financial results for the year ended February 20, 2022 (from February 21, 2021 to February 20, 2022) Net sales Operating profit Ordinary profit Percentages indicate year-on-year changesProfit attributable to owners of parent Year ended February 20, 2022 Year ended February 20, 2021 Millions of yen 583,618 542,608 % Millions of yen 49,420 7.6 38,026 4.0 % Millions of yen 50,567 39,404 30.0 65.4 % Millions of yen 35,428 26,163 28.3 65.2 % 35.4 99.3 Earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Ordinary profit/total assets Operating profit/net sales Profit attributable to owners of parent/equity Year ended February 20, 2022 Year ended February 20, 2021 Yen 964.04 711.93 Yen – – % 8.9 7.0 % 10.9 9.2 % 8.5 7.0 (2) Consolidated financial position As of February 20, 2022 As of February 20, 2021 (3) Consolidated cash flows Year ended February 20, 2022 Year ended February 20, 2021 2. Cash dividends Year ended February 20, 2021 Year ended February 20, 2022 Year ending February 20, 2023 (Forecast) Total assets Net assets Equity ratio Net assets per share Millions of yen 474,811 451,798 Millions of yen 410,995 384,388 % 86.6 85.1 Yen 11,183.58 10,459.72 Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Cash and cash equivalents at end of period Millions of yen 37,213 46,234 Millions of yen 143,137 (111,324)Millions of yen (8,460)(7,362)Millions of yen 182,427 10,486 Annual dividends per share 1st quarter-end 2nd quarter-end 3rd quarter-end Fiscal year-end Total Total cash dividends (Total) Dividend payout ratio (Consolidated) Ratio of dividends to net assets (Consolidated) Yen – – – Yen 100.00 110.00 120.00 Yen Millions of yen Yen – – – Yen 120.00 130.00 220.00 240.00 130.00 250.00 8,084 8,820 % 30.9 24.9 24.7 % 2.2 2.2 1 3. Forecast of consolidated financial results for the year ending February 20, 2023 (from February 21, 2022 to February 20, 2023) Net sales Operating profit Ordinary profit Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen % Millions of yen 296,385 606,608 4.1 3.9 25,598 52,058 1.0 5.3 26,070 52,998 0.9 4.8 18,263 37,197 % 4.8 5.0 Yen 496.95 1012.16 Percentages indicate year-on-year changesProfit attributable to owners of parent Earnings per share Six months ending August 20, 2022 Full year 4. Notes (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the year ended February 20, 2022 (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in the change in scope of consolidation): (2) Changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and restatement of prior period financial statements Changes in accounting policies due to revisions to accounting standards and other regulations: Changes in accounting policies due to other reasons: Changes in accounting estimates: Restatement of prior period financial statements: (3) Number of issued shares (common shares) Total number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury shares) No No No No No As of February 20, 2022 36,913,299 shares As of February 20, 2021 36,913,299 shares Number of treasury shares at the end of the period Average number of shares during the period As of February 20, 2022 163,431 shares As of February 20, 2021 163,942 shares Year ended February 20, 2022 36,749,975 shares Year ended February 20, 2021 36,750,009 shares 2 As of February 20, 2021 As of February 20, 2022 (Millions of yen) 18,486 6,622 193,000 50,612 7,649 276,371 172,970 (85,101) 87,868 11,527 (10,061) 1,466 3,712 (3,083) 628 49,148 547 139,659 903 903 10,317 3,494 19,733 2,521 (1,201) 34,865 175,427 451,798 185,427 8,509 49,000 52,599 7,089 302,626 176,031 (88,572) 87,459 11,841 (10,305) 1,535 3,723 (3,153) 570 49,170 296 139,033 904 904 9,852 3,624 17,739 2,177 (1,146) 32,247 172,184 474,811 Consolidated financial statements Consolidated balance sheets Assets Current assets Cash and deposits Accounts receivable – trade Securities Merchandise Other Total current assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Buildings and structures Accumulated depreciation Buildings and structures, net Machinery, equipment and vehicles Accumulated depreciation Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net Tools, furniture and fixtures Accumulated depreciation Tools, furniture and fixtures, net Land Construction in progress Total property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Other Total intangible assets Investments and other assets Investment securities Deferred tax assets Guarantee deposits Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Total investments and other assets Total non-current assets Total assets 3 As of February 20, 2021 As of February 20, 2022 (Millions of yen) Liabilities Current liabilities Accounts payable – trade Income taxes payable Provision for bonuses Provision for point card certificates Other Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Provision for part-time employees retirement Provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers) Provision for executive officer’s retirement benefits Retirement benefit liability Asset retirement obligations Other Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Shareholders’ equity Share capital Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury shares Total shareholders’ equity Accumulated other comprehensive income Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustment Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 24,024 10,996 4,760 333 18,510 58,625 1,071 115 137 1,332 5,824 304 8,785 67,410 17,086 18,637 346,301 (1,411) 380,614 3,912 16 (132) (22) 3,773 384,388 451,798 28,425 8,794 3,927 – 13,286 54,433 1,108 117 175 1,483 6,047 449 9,382 63,815 17,086 18,641 373,278 (1,409) 407,595 3,586 11 (196) (2) 3,399 410,995 474,811 4 Consolidated statements of income and consolidated statements of comprehensive income Consolidated statements of income (Millions of yen) Fiscal year ended February 20, 2021 Fiscal year ended February 20, 2022 542,608 358,515 184,092 952 185,045 147,018 38,026 214 175 459 98 134 303 1,384 2 4 7 – 51 398 450 233 706 129 118 185 33 1,408 38,446 13,867 (1,585) 12,282 26,163 26,163 583,618 384,687 198,930 1,153 200,084 150,663 49,420 1,166 171 186 5 347 160 294 1 17 19 223 1 – 225 158 302 98 – – 9 568 50,224 14,789 5 14,795 35,428 35,428 39,404 50,567 Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Operating revenue Operating gross profit Operating profit Non-operating income Interest income Dividend income Selling, general and administrative expenses Gain on sale of investment securities Foreign exchange gains Gain on sales of packaging materials Miscellaneous income Total non-operating income Non-operating expenses Loss on processed gift certificates Miscellaneous losses Total non-operating expenses Ordinary profit Extraordinary income Subsidy income Subsidies for employment adjustment Gain on reversal of foreign currency translation adjustment Total extraordinary income Extraordinary losses Loss on sale and retirement of non-current assets Impairment losses Loss on disaster Loss on store closings Loss on valuation of investment securities Other Total extraordinary losses Profit before income taxes Income taxes – current Income taxes – deferred Total income taxes Profit Profit attributable to owners of parent 5 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income Profit Other comprehensive income Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustment Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax Total other comprehensive income Comprehensive income Comprehensive income attributable to Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests (Millions of yen) Fiscal year ended February 20, 2021 Fiscal year ended February 20, 2022 26,163 145 (13) (427) 58 (237) 25,926 25,926 – 35,428 (325) (4) (64) 20 (374) 35,054 35,054 – 6 Consolidated statements of changes in equity Fiscal year ended February 20, 2021 Share capital Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury shares Shareholders’ equity (Millions of yen) Total shareholders’ equity Balance at beginning of period 17,086 18,637 327,567 (1,400) 361,890 (7,350) 26,163 (78) (11) – 17,086 – 18,637 18,734 346,301 (11) (1,411) 18,723 380,614 Accumulated other comprehensive income difference on available-for-sale Deferred gains or losses on hedges Valuation securities Foreign currency translation Remeasurements of defined benefit adjustment plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income Total net assets Balance at beginning of period 3,766 29 295 (80) 4,011 365,901 Changes during period Dividends of surplus Profit attributable to owners of parent Purchase of treasury shares Disposal of treasury shares Decrease in retained earnings resulting from exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation Net changes in items other than shareholders’ equity Total changes during period Balance at end of period Changes during period Dividends of surplus Profit attributable to owners of parent Purchase of treasury shares Disposal of treasury shares Decrease in retained earnings resulting from exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation Net changes in items other than shareholders’ equity Total changes during period Balance at end of period 145 145 3,912 (427) (427) (132) 58 58 (22) (237) (237) 3,773 (7,350) 26,163 (11) – (78) – (7,350) 26,163 (11) – (78) (237) 18,486 384,388 (13) (13) 16 7 Changes during period Dividends of surplus Profit attributable to owners of parent Purchase of treasury shares Disposal of treasury shares Net changes in items other than shareholders’ equity Total changes during period Balance at end of period Fiscal year ended February 20, 2022 Share capital Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury shares Shareholders’ equity (Millions of yen) Total shareholders’ equity Balance at beginning of period 17,086 18,637 346,301 (1,411) 380,614 (8,452) 35,428 3 3 (14) 15 – 17,086 18,641 26,976 373,278 1 (1,409) Accumulated other comprehensive income difference on available-for-sale Deferred gains or losses on hedges Valuation securities Foreign currency translation Remeasurements of defined benefit adjustment plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income Total net assets Balance at beginning of period 3,912 16 (132) (22) 3,773 384,388 Changes during period Dividends of surplus Profit attributable to owners of parent Purchase of treasury shares Disposal of treasury shares Net changes in items other than shareholders’ equity Total changes during period Balance at end of period (325) (325) 3,586 (64) (64) (196) 20 20 (2) (374) (374) 3,399 (8,452) 35,428 (14) 19 – 26,981 407,595 (8,452) 35,428 (14) 19 (374) 26,607 410,995 (4) (4) 11 8 Consolidated statements of cash flows Cash flows from operating activities Profit before income taxes Depreciation Impairment losses Loss on store closings Foreign exchange losses (gains) Loss (gain) on sale and retirement of non-current assets Loss (gain) on sale of investment securities Loss (gain) on valuation of investment securities Gain on reversal of foreign currency translation adjustment Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses Increase(decrease) in provision for executive officer’s bonuses Increase (decrease) in provision for point card certificates Increase(drcrease) in provision for part-time employees retirement Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers) Increase(decrease)in provision for executive officer’s retirement benefits Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit liability Interest and dividend income Decrease (increase) in trade receivables Decrease (increase) in inventories Decrease (increase) in other current assets Increase (decrease) in trade payables Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities Other, net Subtotal Interest and dividends received Income taxes paid Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (Millions of yen) Fiscal year ended February 20, 2021 Fiscal year ended February 20, 2022 38,446 5,471 706 118 (123) 101 (459) 185 (398) (2) 2,559 (37) 176 29 (51) (55) 194 (389) (652) 1,036 (3,497) 5,412 4,024 764 53,561 210 (7,538) 46,234 50,224 5,911 302 – (329) 158 (5) – – (55) (836) – (333) 37 2 38 161 (358) (1,886) (1,949) 320 4,379 (2,400) 495 53,876 220 (16,884) 37,213 9 Cash flows from investing activities Payments into time deposits Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits Purchase of securities Proceeds from redemption of securities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of intangible assets Purchase of investment securities Proceeds from sale of investment securities Payments for guarantee deposits, advances of construction Proceeds from collection of guarantee deposits, advances of construction Other, net Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Purchase of treasury shares Dividends paid Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Decrease in cash and cash equivalents resulting from exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (Millions of yen) Fiscal year ended February 20, 2021 Fiscal year ended February 20, 2022 (16,000) 16,000 (442,000) 336,006 (8,280) 104 2 (295) 622 (679) 3,206 (10) (111,324) (11) (7,351) (7,362) 31 (72,420) 83,088 (181) 10,486 (16,000) 16,000 (291,500) 440,500 (8,248) 39 – (39) 42 (590) 3,023 (89) 143,137 (14) (8,446) (8,460) 51 171,941 10,486 – 182,427 10

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