オリエンタルランド(4661) – Supplementary Materials: Results for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022 [April 1 to December 31, 2021]


開示日時:2022/01/28 16:00:00


決算期 売上高 営業益 経常益 EPS
2018.03 47,928,000 11,028,500 11,035,700 236.5
2019.03 52,562,200 12,927,800 12,905,500 267.59
2020.03 46,445,000 9,686,300 9,718,100 183.31
2021.03 17,058,100 -4,598,900 -4,829,500 -165.51



前日終値 50日平均 200日平均 実績PER 予想PER
18,635.0 18,925.4 16,955.225 65.26



決算期 フリーCF 営業CF
2018.03 6,507,300 12,286,000
2019.03 5,112,300 13,497,400
2020.03 -6,099,600 7,333,600
2021.03 -14,078,300 -2,383,400



2022年1⽉28⽇Jan 28, 20222022年3⽉期 第3四半期決算 補⾜資料Supplementary Materials: Results for the Third Quarterof the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022[April 1 to December 31, 2021]株式会社オリエンタルランド経理部IRグループURL: http://www.olc.co.jpOriental Land Co., Ltd.Investor Relations Group, Finance/Accounting Department URL: http://www.olc.co.jp/en注意事項:本資料は、OLCグループの業績及び今後の経営戦略に関する情報の提供を⽬的としたものであり、当社が発⾏する有価証券の投資勧誘を⽬的としたものではございません。ではございません本資料にて開⽰されているデータは、発表⽇現在の判断や⼊⼿可能な情報に基づくものです。当社グループの事業は、顧客嗜好・社会情勢・経済情勢等の影響を受けやすい特性を持っているため、本資料で述べられている予測や⾒通しには、不確実性が含まれていることをご承知おきください。テーマパーク⼊園者数については単位未満を四捨五⼊、財務データについては単位未満を切り捨てて記載しています。本資料の転載はご遠慮ください。Cautionary Statement:The purpose of this document is to provide information on the operating results and future management strategies of the OLC Group, and not to solicit investment in securities issued by the Company.The data disclosed in this document are based on the judgments and available information as of the date of publication.Oriental Land uses a variety of business measures to constantly strive to increase its net sales and management efficiency.The OLC Group’s business is sensitive to factors such as customer preferences, and social and economic conditions, and therefore the forecasts and outlook presented in this document contain uncertainties.Theme Park attendance figures have been rounded, and financial figures have been truncated.Please refrain from reprinting this document.2022年3⽉期 第3四半期累計実績Results for the Third Quarter of FY3/22 [April 1 to December 31, 2021]1.四半期連結損益計算書(第3四半期累計実績/前年同期)Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Income [Actual vs. Previous Cumulative Third Quarter]科⽬Items売上総利益(損失)Gross profit (loss) 15,126 40,265 25,138166.2 販売費及び⼀般管理費Selling, general and administrative expenses売上⾼テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業売上原価⼈件費諸経費減価償却費⼈件費諸経費減価償却費営業利益(損失)売上⾼営業利益(損失)率テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業(消去⼜は全社)営業外収益営業外費⽤経常利益(損失)売上⾼経常利益(損失)率Net salesTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business SegmentCost of salesPersonnel expensesOther expensesDepreciation and amortizationPersonnel expensesOther expensesDepreciation and amortizationOperating profit (loss)Operating profit (loss) marginTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business Segment[Elimination and Corporate]Non-operating incomeNon-operating expensesOrdinary profit (loss)Ordinary profit (loss) margin前年同期第3四半期累計実績(4⽉~12⽉累計)対前年増減FY3/21 Results[Cumulative 3Q]FY3/22 Results[Cumulative 3Q]Y/Y Change(Decrease)対前年増減率Change [%](百万円)[Millions of yen] 137,113 190,313 109,159 149,024 121,987 150,047 53,199 39,865 12,183 1,150 28,060 6,539 14,032 7,488 6,915 4,744 1,625545 18,222 13,278 4,678173 91 2,276 (19,840) (18,384) 22,158 5,795 34,319 66,794 20,872 34,966 13,900 17,715 3,351(14.5%) (378) (1,224) 146 1,646 3,656(15.9%) 13,333412 (6,868) (6,455) 34,341 6,946 40,859 80,826 28,361 41,882 18,644 19,340 3,897 (1,617) (0.8%) (5,106) 4,300 (1,050) 238 3,923 2,320 (15) (0.0%) 337 799 1,137 (1,152) (0.6%) 前年同期第3四半期累計実績(4⽉~12⽉累計)対前年増減対前年増減率(百万円)[Millions of yen]FY3/21 Results[Cumulative 3Q]FY3/22 Results[Cumulative 3Q]Y/Y Change(Decrease)Change [%] 109,159 54,45133,811 18,852 2,043 22,158 19,801 2,356 5,7953,173 862 1,759149,024 70,87349,194 25,676 3,281 34,341 31,589 2,752 6,9463,827 1,212 1,90639,865 16,42115,382 6,824 1,237 12,183 11,788 395 1,150653 349 147 38.8 36.5 55.0 19.9 23.0 19.1 21.0 35.9 19.8 34.1 9.2 16.3 62.6 138.3 ———–36.5 30.2 45.5 36.2 60.5 55.0 59.5 16.8 19.9 20.6 40.5 8.4 (21,850) 21,835 (1,336) (36.5) 特別損失Extraordinary losses- (13,333) 税⾦等調整前四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) before income taxes (35,184) (15) 35,169法⼈税、住⺠税及び事業税法⼈税等調整額法⼈税等合計Income taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferredTotal income taxes (75) 7,667 7,592(18.2) 四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) (28,728) (1,152) 27,576親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) attributable to owners of parent (28,728) 27,576 売上⾼四半期純利益(純損失)率 Net profit (loss) margin(21.0%) ■売上⾼の状況 Net Salesテーマパーク事業アトラクション・ショー収⼊商品販売収⼊飲⾷販売収⼊その他の収⼊ホテル事業ディズニーホテル*その他その他の事業項⽬ItemsTheme Park SegmentAttractions and showsMerchandiseFood and beveragesOthersHotel Business SegmentDisney Hotels*Other HotelsOther Business Segmentイクスピアリ事業モノレール事業その他* ディズニーアンバサダーホテル、東京ディズニーシー・ホテルミラコスタ、東京ディズニーランドホテル、東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルを含む* Including Disney Ambassador Hotel, Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Tokyo Disney Celebration HotelIkspiariMonorailOthers■テーマパーク関連情報 Theme Park Information (Year-on-year comparison)項⽬Items前年同期差異Y/Y Change⼊園者数(千⼈)ゲスト1⼈当たり売上⾼(円)チケット収⼊商品販売収⼊飲⾷販売収⼊Attendance (thousand people)Net sales per Guest (yen)Ticket receiptsMerchandiseFood and beverages上回った上回った上回った上回った上回ったIncreasedIncreasedIncreasedIncreasedIncreased22022年3⽉期 第3四半期実績Results for the Third Quarter of FY3/22 [October 1 to December 31, 2021]1.四半期連結損益計算書(第3四半期実績/前年同期)Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Income [Actual vs. Previous Third Quarter]科⽬Items(百万円)[Millions of yen]前年同期FY3/21 3QResults第3四半期実績(10⽉~12⽉)対前年増減対前年増減率FY3/22 3QResultsY/Y Change(Decrease)Change [%] 77,964 92,744 14,779売上総利益(損失)Gross profit (loss) 18,582 33,047 14,465販売費及び⼀般管理費Selling, general and administrative expensesNet salesTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business SegmentCost of salesPersonnel expensesOther expensesDepreciation and amortizationPersonnel expensesOther expensesDepreciation and amortizationOperating profit (loss)Operating profit (loss) marginTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business Segment[Elimination and Corporate] 61,310 13,984 2,669 59,382 16,445 31,734 11,202 14,243 5,788 7,062 1,3925.6% 937 3,29081 29 481 73,852 16,303 2,588 59,696 15,015 35,179 9,501 15,284 6,441 7,533 1,30919.2% 12,961 4,813 (94) 83 12,541 2,319 (81) 314 (1,429) 3,445 (1,701) 1,041653 470 (82) 12,024 1,522 (176) 53 4,338 17,762 13,424309.4 売上⾼テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業売上原価⼈件費諸経費減価償却費⼈件費諸経費減価償却費営業利益(損失)売上⾼営業利益(損失)率テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業(消去⼜は全社)営業外収益営業外費⽤Non-operating income 1,604 1,122Non-operating expenses 1,925783 (1,141) (59.3) 経常利益(損失)売上⾼経常利益(損失)率Ordinary profit (loss)Ordinary profit (loss) margin 2,894 18,583 15,688542.1 3.7% 20.0% 税⾦等調整前四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) before income taxes 2,893 18,583 15,689542.2 法⼈税、住⺠税及び事業税法⼈税等調整額法⼈税等合計Income taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferredTotal income taxes93 1,433 1,526183 5,360 5,54390 3,926 4,016四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) 1,367 13,039 11,672親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) attributable to owners of parent 1,367 13,039 11,672 売上⾼四半期純利益(純損失)率 Net profit (loss) margin1.8% 14.1% ■売上⾼の状況 Net Salesテーマパーク事業アトラクション・ショー収⼊商品販売収⼊飲⾷販売収⼊その他の収⼊ホテル事業ディズニーホテル*その他その他の事業項⽬ItemsTheme Park SegmentAttractions and showsMerchandiseFood and beveragesOthersHotel Business SegmentDisney Hotels*Other HotelsOther Business Segment第3四半期実績(10⽉~12⽉)対前年増減対前年増減率(百万円)[Millions of yen]Y/Y Change(Decrease) Change [%]前年同期FY3/21 3QResults61,310 29,086 19,487 11,4861,250 13,984 12,520 1,464 2,669 1,434495 740 FY3/22 3QResults73,852 35,041 23,813 13,3771,620 16,303 14,884 1,419 2,588 1,322609 657 12,5415,954 4,325 1,890370 2,319 2,364 (45) (81) (111) 113 (82) イクスピアリ事業モノレール事業その他* ディズニーアンバサダーホテル、東京ディズニーシー・ホテルミラコスタ、東京ディズニーランドホテル、東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルを含む* Including Disney Ambassador Hotel, Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel.IkspiariMonorailOthers19.0 20.5 16.6 (3.0) 0.5 (8.7) 10.9 (15.2) 77.8 7.3 11.3 6.7 (5.9) 46.3 –179.7 233.2 96.9 273.9 263.1 853.8 853.8 20.5 20.5 22.2 16.5 29.6 16.6 18.9 (3.1) (3.0) (7.8) 22.9 (11.2) 32022年3⽉期 1⽉発表修正予想Revised Forecasts for FY3/22 [April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022]1.業績予想 連結損益計算書(2022年3⽉期1⽉発表修正予想/2021年3⽉期実績/2022年3⽉期10⽉発表予想)Forecast: Consolidated Statements of Income [Revised Forecast for FY3/22 vs. Results for FY3/21 vs. Original Forecast for FY3/22]売上総利益(損失)Gross profit (loss) 50,836902 49,933 34,720 16,116科⽬Items売上⾼テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業営業利益(損失)売上⾼営業利益(損失)率テーマパーク事業ホテル事業その他の事業(消去⼜は全社)営業外収益営業外費⽤経常利益(損失)売上⾼経常利益(損失)率Net salesTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business SegmentOperating profit (loss)Operating profit (loss) marginTheme Park SegmentHotel Business SegmentOther Business Segment[Elimination and Corporate]Non-operating incomeNon-operating expensesOrdinary profit (loss)Ordinary profit (loss) margin対前年増減率2022年3⽉期10⽉発表予想対10⽉発表予想増減対10⽉発表予想増減率(百万円)[Millions of yen]FY3/21 ResultsChange [%]FY3/22Original ForecastY/Y Change(Decrease)Change [%]2022年3⽉期1⽉発表修正予想FY3/22Revised Forecast前期実績 261,939 170,581 206,064 134,293 46,390 9,484 28,627 7,660対前年増減Y/Y Change(Decrease) 91,358 71,770 17,762 1,824 53.6 239,020 185,430 53.4 62.0 23.8 43,850 9,740 22,919 20,634 2,540 (255) (7,623) (45,989) 38,365 (24,260) 16,636(2.9%) (27.0%) (11,437) (41,982) 4,993 (1,954) (1,509) (2,312) 330 4,395 3,004260 1,833 5,049(2.4%) (28.8%) 30,545 6,947802 70 2,562 26.9 139.8 (2,044) (40.5) (25,120) (10.1%) 2,440 (1,840) 260 4,140 2,730(9.6%) (6,232) (49,205) 42,972- (22,850) 16,617 13,682 2,553330 70 255 274 特別損失Extraordinary losses- 18,598 (18,598) –税⾦等調整前当期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) before income taxes (6,232) (67,804) 61,571 (22,850) 16,617法⼈税等合計Total income taxes (358) (13,613) 13,255 (5,300) 4,941当期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) (5,874) (54,190) 48,316 (17,550) 11,675親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益(純損失)Profit (Loss) attributable to owners of parent (5,874) (54,190) 48,316 (17,550) 11,675 売上⾼当期純利益(純損失)率 Net profit (loss) margin(2.2%) (31.8%) (7.3%) ■売上⾼の状況 Net Salesテーマパーク事業アトラクション・ショー収⼊商品販売収⼊飲⾷販売収⼊その他の収⼊ホテル事業ディズニーホテル*その他その他の事業項⽬ItemsTheme Park SegmentAttractions and showsMerchandiseFood and beveragesOthersHotel Business SegmentDisney Hotels*Other HotelsOther Business Segment■テーマパーク関連情報 Theme Park Information [Year-on-year comparison]項⽬Itemsイクスピアリ事業イクスピアリ事業モノレール事業その他* ディズニーアンバサダーホテル、東京ディズニーシー・ホテルミラコスタ、東京ディズニーランドホテル、東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルを含む* Including Disney Ambassador Hotel, Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel.IkspiariIkspiariMonorailOthers前期実績対前年増減率2022年3⽉期10⽉発表予想対10⽉発表予想増減対10⽉発表予想増減率FY3/21 ResultsChange [%]FY3/22Original ForecastY/Y Change(Decrease)Change [%]対前年増減Y/Y Change(Decrease) (百万円)[Millions of yen]2022年3⽉期1⽉発表修正予想FY3/22Revised Forecast 206,064101,30064,017 36,307 4,438 46,390 42,819 3,571 9,484 5,1015 1011,626 2,756134,293 66,93841,579 22,642 3,133 28,627 25,571 3,056 7,660 4,2724 2721,019 2,36871,770 34,36222,438 13,665 1,304 17,762 17,247 514 1,824 829829607 387 185,430 92,90056,070 32,380 4,08043,850 40,120 3,730 9,740 5,0105 0101,710 3,02020,634 8,4007,947 3,927 358 2,540 2,699 (158) (255) 9191(83) (263) ⼊園者数(千⼈)Attendance [thousand people]ゲスト1⼈当たり売上⾼(円)Net sales per Guest [yen]チケット収⼊商品販売収⼊飲⾷販売収⼊Ticket receiptsMerchandiseFood and beverages 11,500 14,637 7,023 4,468 3,146 7,560 13,642 6,538 4,122 2,982 3,940995 485 346 164 10,500 14,205 6,974 4,165 3,066 1,000432 49 303 80 2022年3⽉期1⽉発表修正予想FY3/22Revised Forecast前期実績対前年増減Y/Y Change(Decrease)FY3/21 ResultsChange [%]対前年増減率2022年3⽉期10⽉発表予想対10⽉発表予想増減対10⽉発表予想増減率FY3/22Original ForecastY/Y Change(Decrease)Change [%]9.6 11.1 5.8 (2.6) 46.4 – – – 104.7 27.0 6.2 10.1 – – – – – – 11.1 9.0 14.2 12.1 8.8 5.8 6.7 (4.2) (2.6) 1.8 1 8(4.9) (8.7) 9.5 3.0 0.7 7.3 2.6 ———-53.4 51.354.0 60.4 41.6 62.0 67.4 16.8 23.8 19.419 459.6 16.4 52.17.3 7.4 8.4 5.5 4

いいね または フォローしてね!
