ヒューリック(3003) – Notice of Revisions to Annual Performance and Dividend Forcast Summary


開示日時:2022/01/11 15:30:00




発表日 売上高 営業益 経常益 EPS
2018/12/31 28,751,300 7,556,500 7,552,500 75.18
2019/12/31 35,727,200 8,835,300 8,896,400 88.93
2020/12/31 33,964,500 10,059,700 10,092,400 95.23



発表日 フリーCF 営業CF
2018/12/31 -12,317,700 13,097,300
2019/12/31 -12,308,700 23,118,000
2020/12/31 -11,918,900 20,230,400


January 11, 2022 Company Name: Hulic Co.,Ltd. Representative: Contact: Code number: 3003 President and Chief Executive Officer Manabu Yoshidome Executive Managing Officer, Head of IR Shin Ito itou.shin@hulic.co.jp Notice of Revisions to Annual Performance and Dividend Forecast【SUMMARY】 1. Revisions to the consolidated results forecast for FY2021 (from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) (Millions of yen) Revenue from Operations Operating Income Ordinary Income Profit attributable to owners of parent EPS (Net Income per Share) 420,000 440,000 20,000 4.7% 339,645 110,000 113,000 3,000 2.7% 100,596 100,000 108,000 8,000 8.0% 95,627 65,000 68,000 3,000 4.6% 63,619 94.46 98.82 4.36 4.6% 95.23 Forecast previously announced (A) Revised forecast (B) Change (B-A) Rate of change (%) (For reference) Results for FY2020 [Reasons for the revisions] ・ We decided to make an upward revision to the annual guidance, reflecting (1) robust revenue from leasing business, (2) better-than-expected property sales results under the strategic portfolio restructuring activities, and (3) lower-than-expected financial expenses due to the limited increase in interest-bearing debts. ・ Accordingly, we expect to book record-high results for Revenue from Operations and each Income items in FY2021. ・ Even this estimation depends on the best possible information we can get at this point, actual results may differ for various reasons. 2. Revisions to the dividend forecast for FY2021 (Yen) Forecast previously announced Revised forecast Result for FY2021 Result for FY2020 Annual dividends Year-end 19.00 17.50 19.00 20.00 38.00 39.00 2Q-end 18.50 Total 36.00 [Reasons for the revisions] ・ As the forecast of Profit attributable to owners of parent has been revised to the upside and the Company’s policy is to make the appropriate shareholder return, with the target of increasing payout ratio to about 40% in FY2022, we change the forecast of Year-end Dividend of 20.00 Yen per share. Since interim dividend (19.00 Yen per share) has already been paid out, FY2021 annual Dividend forecast is now revised to 39.00 Yen per share. END

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